Friday 9 November 2012

Improvements to Our Production

We needed to improve our production. The big thing was that when we were filming the shots in mine and Harry's bedroom, the light from the window made our faces look to dark and we couldn't see the lip synching.

Another major thing was that some of the shots of Harry boxing was very blurry, this was because we had the settings of our camera on LP (long play) which lowers the quality but increases the length. We corrected this by reshooting the shots with the camera on MXP which vastly improved the quality.

The shots when I was lip synching to the mirror didn’t look right because no one could tell it was a mirror and it just looked like there was a pole in the way. We reshot this by including more of the mirror and less of the bed.

We have also decided to reshoot our filming in the park because it didn't look crazy enough, so Harry is going to wear a penguin costume and lip synch to the camera in the park to make it comical.
The scene when I’m in the hall didn’t come out right. Two of our cameras had a different lighting style to our other two, so we could only use two of them without it looking unusual. Consequently we are going to redo all the hall shots, but with MXP and all on one camera to keep it the same.

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