Tuesday 20 November 2012

Comparisons Between Our Video and Nickelback's - Rockstar

There are a couple of similarities between our music video and Nickelback's video of Rockstar, the first main similarity was the fact that Nickelback got a lot of different people to lip sync in their music video which is what we did.
What they did include in their music video that we included was a specific type of clothing; flat peak caps, shades, funny top and trackies which is what Nickleback did in theirs. This type of clothing is very common in hip hop and grime music videos which is why we decided to wear it.
There is also a crazy element to Rockstar and that is really similar to our video, in Nickleback's video because in their video someone is breaking a guitar and in our video we throw various objects out of a window.
Right at the end of Nickleback's music video they finish with people in a gig with the band on stage which is how we ended our music video.

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