Tuesday 25 December 2012

Improvements to Second Cut

There were some problems and disappointments for our second cut of a music video. One of the first things we noticed about our production was when Harry was dropping objects out of the window. The camera kept jerking up which gave the sequence a very unprofessional look. We plan to rectify this by making the cuts quicker which makes the camera not jerk up every time. This also happened when we were shooting in the park, when I attempted to zoom into Harry's face. This can be fixed similarly to the way we plan to fix the dropping objects out of the window.

When Harry is boxing the shot is to dark and we cannot see his face clearly, which can be related to when I am riding the bike down the hill. We can correct this by reshooting both sequences with stronger lighting. The  park scene is also badly lit but that is harder to control, despite having opportunities to reshoot this the weather is too dark and we need the light to make the sequence look comical. Some of our shots were messy and untidy especially the jenga sequence, their is too much empty space in the background with unnecessary objects.

We have decided to add in shots that we believe will improve our music video. The green screen will be used to add funny and amusing images using a green screen. We plan to miniaturize me or Harry and have them lip sync on the other persons hand.

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