Monday 10 September 2012

Skills Evaluation of AS Production

Blogging wasn’t problematic however uploading pictures proved to be problematic because the images came up blank and didn’t show.

Camera Skills:
Needed to go for A grade shots instead of standard shots and ought to have done more experimenting as an alternative to sticking with one shot. Most of the camera positions were mediocre and could have been upgraded, specifically the shot following Honey Bear through the street. That also meant that many of our shots didn’t have enough impact and should have used match on action shots more. We had some good shots showing the characters expression but we could have done with some more.

The captions we made were very professional and we did investigate titles before we chose the correct one for our film opening. We did encounter some problems with our song The A-Team by Ed Sheeran, we couldn’t use the original version nevertheless we did still use the song. We had Harry playing the piano but it didn’t sound accurate and we could have improved. We were very experimental with the scream at the beginning and I think it had a strong influence right at the start. We didn’t use enough video effects and we might have used more fades and other effects. 

The scissors that killed Honey Bear wasn’t the right weapon to use; we could have used a kitchen knife or a machete. The back garden location didn’t work as well as graveyard would have, in addition the voice over wasn’t very original.

Shaunagh played Honey Bear really well and really stuck to the role and showed the stereotype well, and because of that you felt very sympathetic towards her. Harry on the other hand portrayed the role as a cold blooded killer really appropriately. Bethan played her role as Honey Bear’s mother well, but the back garden scene didn’t work.

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