Friday 28 September 2012

Practise with a Camera

Harry and I did some practising with a Cannon Legria 206 (top pictures). We experimented with different styles like; lp, mxp, frame rate, white balance, tele macro, image stabilization and exposure. We are probably going to use the mxp because it has the highest quality and looks the best and we are not going to use the high/low exposure (bottom two videos) because they don't make the shots look as good as with just regular exposure. We moved around in the pictures to see how good it looked with movement.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Pictures of Our First Shoot

We did our first video shoot at the local park and it was wet because of the rain however we managed to get all our filming done. I filmed all the shots we needed while Harry lip synced to the song, on various pieces of equipment in the park like the swings and the climbing frame.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Production Schedule and Job Roles

What were filming…
26th September
Park shooting
3rd October
Filming people saying Bonkers
7th October
Opening Scene at Harry’s house
10th October
Stage scene
13th October
Filming at my house & bike scene at Chauncy
17th October
Pick Ups

Actor, Editor and Cameraman
Actor, Editor and Cameraman

Friday 21 September 2012

Experimenting with a Green Screen

We did some experimenting with the green screen however we mainly used the green screen to practice with the lighting, and see if we needed to use the lights when we used the green screen in our music video.

Annotated Lyrics


Audience for Our Music Video

The audience for our music video will probably be very narrow because a lot of people who are interested in grime, hip hop and rap seem to be young teenagers going up to late 20's and early 30's.

Audible Hype Hip Hop Demographics have found out that 24 million people between the ages of 19-34 listen to hip hop across the world. Grime is a genre that developed from a variety of genres, however the main genre it spawned from was hip hop.

This means we will try an target people between the ages of 19-34, also I'm going to try and expand our audience to a younger level around the age of 11 or 12. Most hip hop music videos are for young adults because it features voyeuristic treatments of female body and this doesn't apply to our video. That is the reason why we can show our video to young teens. 


This is our animatic of the first set of lyrics for the song, from lines 1 to 17. We received very positive feedback especially about the ending of the sequence when you see the BONKERS word come up. We will probably add in some more shots if we need to. The beginning post it note is supposed to be a street because we will be using the beginning music to have a camera walking down the street, but we will speed it up on Premier.

Influences for our Video

Background of Bonkers

The Pitch

Our pitch has gained encouraging comments particularly on our two ancillary tasks, however we need to think of interesting camera angles to make our video stand out. We are going to do at least five shots in one location.

Friday 14 September 2012

Ideas for First Set of Lyrics

Harry holding the camera walking up the street (speed up, similar to the beginning of 'Magic' by B.o.B)

Wallace & Gromit alarm clock

White clothing, white sheets, etc…

Walk into mirror wardrobe & appear in the field

Initial Ideas

Bike down Chauncy hill, wearing a suit and on a children's bike

Harry leaning on a green screen with the camera spinning around him

Slow mo walking down the street

Leaving house the camera can stutter to make it look like someone’s being electrocuted

Quick cuts between shots

Film different people saying bonkers

Flashing lights in the hall with me lip synching to the song

Harry sitting on climbing frame and other equipment in the park

Tuesday 11 September 2012

B.o.B- Magic Presentation

A2 Production Planning

We have now started A2 and so we must begin planning out what we want to do for our production which shall be a music video. Such tasks involved in planning will include:-

AS Production skills analysis and evaluation
Song lyrics
Producer pitch
Recce shots
Research on song
Production schedule

Bonkers- Dizzee Rascal

Monday 10 September 2012

Skills Evaluation of AS Production

Blogging wasn’t problematic however uploading pictures proved to be problematic because the images came up blank and didn’t show.

Camera Skills:
Needed to go for A grade shots instead of standard shots and ought to have done more experimenting as an alternative to sticking with one shot. Most of the camera positions were mediocre and could have been upgraded, specifically the shot following Honey Bear through the street. That also meant that many of our shots didn’t have enough impact and should have used match on action shots more. We had some good shots showing the characters expression but we could have done with some more.

The captions we made were very professional and we did investigate titles before we chose the correct one for our film opening. We did encounter some problems with our song The A-Team by Ed Sheeran, we couldn’t use the original version nevertheless we did still use the song. We had Harry playing the piano but it didn’t sound accurate and we could have improved. We were very experimental with the scream at the beginning and I think it had a strong influence right at the start. We didn’t use enough video effects and we might have used more fades and other effects. 

The scissors that killed Honey Bear wasn’t the right weapon to use; we could have used a kitchen knife or a machete. The back garden location didn’t work as well as graveyard would have, in addition the voice over wasn’t very original.

Shaunagh played Honey Bear really well and really stuck to the role and showed the stereotype well, and because of that you felt very sympathetic towards her. Harry on the other hand portrayed the role as a cold blooded killer really appropriately. Bethan played her role as Honey Bear’s mother well, but the back garden scene didn’t work.