Friday 23 March 2012

Ideas For Our Final Video

Me and Harry needed to correct some of our mistakes from our Honey Bear video. The framing of our shots weren't as good as they could have been, such as the doorway shot were Shaunagh walks through. This is because the shot lingered for too long and it showed to much of the door and not enough of Shaunagh. Also we need to demonstrate uses of extreme close ups, like when Harry is holding the scissors into Shaunagh's body.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Final Cut Feedback

We had some certain points to improve on our final cut. The framing of our shots are all fine but the use of the extreme close ups makes it really dramatic and nervous. Our final shot wasnt as strong as it could have so we could make it stronger by using the photo frame at the end. Our editing is also very strong particularly the fade to white when you see Shaunagh change from a prostitute to a normal person.
The use of sound in each of our shots is good bit we can make it better, we have added a loud door slam for when Harry leaves the room where he killed Shaunagh.
We have also been told to change the use of song because Bethan went a bit flat when she was singing the A-team. We have changed it by having Harry play the A-team on the piano in a low note to give it more tension. Because this is copyrighted music we have emailed the company who published the A- Team music.