Saturday 28 January 2012

Recording of the Sound

We did some recording of sound on Friday for our filming opening. We did a recording of Poppy screaming and Poppy's mum crying, Shaunagh did both of these sounds. In addition we did a short ten second clip of Harry holding a pair of scissors in a squash, covered in a white sheet and red food colouring.

Potential Ideas

We came up for some more ideas for our film opening on Wednesday. The ideas for sound effects are stabbing a fruit with scissors, filling a balloon up with red food colouring and stabbing it again with scissors, using the noise from a heart monitor and a screaming sound for when Poppy dies. The song 'A-Team' by Ed Sheeran is very upbeat and we want it to be in a lower key also if we had the song without lyrics it could make it less upbeat.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Final Filming

We had to redo our filming from Shaunagh's house because it was incorrect and could be done better. So instead we had Harry cleaning the murder weapon and having blood on Poppy's corpse and bed. We did this by  putting strawberry sauce onto Shaunagh and her bed. We also wanted to include more shots of Harry so we did two shots of him walking down the alleyway and smoking a fag.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Peer Assessment of First Cut of Foundation Production

We encounted some problems in our first cut. Our captions were the original font and we should change that so it looks more professional, in addition to that our opening looked more like a trailer than an actual film opening. We decided to fix this by adding in a caption at the end of the opening saying 'Poppy's bedroom- 2009'.
The camerawork was very unsteady for the shot with the photo of Shaunagh, so we have decided to reshoot that shot by doing two separate shots. We will do that by looking at the whole picture and zooming in an separate shot.
The pace of the film was very slow, especially with the scene in Poles Lane, we have elected to cut down the beginning of the scene where we cant see Shaunagh that well. We also have to change the begining of the scene where Bethan is crying because something has happened with the lights.
In addition we still have to get the A-team correct with Shaunagh's voice over, we found out how to change the volume of the sound so we can play the A-team while Shaunagh is speaking. With that some of the wind is really loud and it affects the music.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Post Production- Editing

We started to do our editing for our film opening Honey Bear. We originally planned to do our editing together, however we split up into three groups; me and Harry, Shaunagh and Daisy and Smaya, Nicola and Beth.
Me and Harry started with our editing and found it very good and quick, we never encounted any major problems that really slowed us down. However the title took a little longer than we expected but still got it done.
We have decided to use the A- Team song by Ed Sheeran. It is too loud and often rises above Poppy speaking, so we are quieting the song while simultaneously increasing Poppy's voice.