Tuesday 18 October 2011

Summary of the Key Points of the Documentary "Watching: Beginnings''

Summary of the Key Points of the Documentary "Watching: Beginnings''

Watching: Beginnings is a BBC documentary and it is about the beginnings of films and how it originally started. We watched about how the beginnings of films affect the whole film, we listened to such directors as Danny Boyle and he showed us the beginning of Trainspotting. And he said how you announce your ambition from the first five minutes.
A French director told us about how the interaction between the film and the public makes the film work or not, and in addition to that he said the only way to make a good film then you have to get the audience on your wavelength. This shows you that many directors feel the audience is the real decider about what makes a good film.

Bullet Point Evaluation of Skills

Bullet Point Evaluation of Skills

  • We stuck to our 180 degree rule very well.
  • We did our shot reverse shot very well.
  • We did our match on action very well mainly because Daisy didn't laugh for all of it.
  • We did our eye line matches very well.


We made some mistakes in our first cut such as not following the 180 degree rule and Daisy and Shaunagh's hair kept getting in the way. We weren't happy with our original cut and decided to re-shoot it with Harry and Nicola, they had made mistakes with there eye-line. 
So we decided to redo it, we decided to use mine and Daisy's storyboard about the drug deal. That went really well because Nicola directed it and I filmed it while Daisy and Harry were the actors. During this filming Daisy didn't laugh and no one wore any funny costumes. 
After we filmed it we edited it and that went really well we managed to get the 180 degree rule correct, fixed the eye line problem and our match on action went really well. We were very pleased with our final cut and managed to get it perfect.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Preliminary Exercise - the shoot

Storyboard.                                                               Me filming Shaunagh.

Me and Shaunagh working.                                       Shaunagh in drug dealing costume.